
EWS.CenterPoint – Center point for the counter spindle

Would you like to use your counter spindle temporarily as a tailstock, and then once again as a normal chuck? You can with the EWS.CenterPoint. For machines with one turret and two spindles for flexible insertion into the counter spindle.


The changeable centring tip for counter spindles

Area of application

  • Lathes without tailstock and with a turret
  • For supporting long tools
  • Top changeable short taper 12
  • The top kit can be integrated into simple combination holders


  • Counter spindle with tailstock function
  • Taper shank adjusted to the GSP

EWS.CenterPoint and EWS.Flexicenter in action together

Machining process

  1. Milling on the main spindle
  2. Switch to tip in GSP
  3. Use tip rotating
  4. Execute machining
  5. Remove tip from GSP
  6. Pass work piece to GSP, work second side